Meal Rates
The Government meal rate (GMR) is the daily rate provided instead of meals in a Government dining facility, including the operating cost. Proportional meal rate (PMR) is used when one or two meals are available and directed at the GMR or a deductible meal is provided.
Government Meal Rates
The standard GMR includes food and facility operating costs and applies when a Service member is sent TDY to a U.S. installation where Government quarters or an Integrated Lodging Program facility and three meals a day in a Government dining facility are available. The GMR must be directed in a travel authorization and does not apply when the Service member is traveling.
The rates in the table below are effective from January 1 through December 31, 2025. This rate applies to both Service members and civilian employees, and both CONUS and OCONUS.
The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) [PDF, 2 pages] reviews the GMR every year and revises when necessary. See Appendix A for the definition of GMR, and JTR, Table 2-17 for a description of the types of meal rates.