March 10, 2025

Managing Multiple DTS Profiles

Recommended for: All DTS Roles | Series: DTS (Special Topics)


This information paper discusses switching profiles if you have multiple roles in DTS.

March 10, 2025

Updating GTCC Information in a DTS Authorization with Unticketed Reservations

Recommended for: Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Basics)

This information paper explains how to update your GTCC information in a DTS authorization when you receive a new GTCC. Periodically, reviewing the profile can catch outdated Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) information and ensure you receive tickets for transportation booked through DTS.

March 7, 2025

DTA Manual, Appendix A: Self-Registration

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


This appendix provides guidance on how to review DTS self-registration requests and view the Self-Registration Metrics report.

March 7, 2025

DTA Manual, Chapter 01: DTS Overview

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This chapter provides an overview into DTS users, architecture, features, and benefits, as well as information on training and user-assistance sources.

March 7, 2025

DTA Manual, Chapter 10: Reports

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA, DMM, CBA-S | Series: DTS (Admin)

This chapter covers the reports available in DTS, the data they provide, and the way you run them.

March 7, 2025

DTS Profile Changes to Increase Audit Compliance

Recommended for: Travel Clerk, LDTA, NDEA, ODTA, Traveler | Series: DTS (Special Topics)

The paper explains how DTS personal profiles work in DTS to support audit compliance requirements.

March 7, 2025

Reports in the Report Scheduler

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA, FDTA, DMM, CBA-S | Series: DTS (Admin)


This information paper identifies the reports that are available from the DTS Report Scheduler.

March 7, 2025

Updating Your DTS Profile

Recommended for: All DTS Roles | Series: DTS Basics

This information paper provides the basic information on how to change your Defense Travel System (DTS) personal profile.

March 7, 2025

How to Make Rail Reservations using DTS

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Basics)
This information paper discusses how to use the Travel Company Management (TMC) Assistance option in DTS to make rail reservation requests for official travel.

March 6, 2025

DTS Guide 1: Getting Started

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: Approver (DTS), DTS (Basics)

This guide provides basic information on how to use DTS, which includes establishing a profile, logging into the system, navigating the screens, and troubleshooting for issues.

March 6, 2025

DTS Expenses Screen for Routing Officials

Recommended for: AO, RO | Series: DTS (Basics)

This information paper explains the DTS Expenses module. It focuses on the content and functionality of the Reservation Expenses, Other Expenses, and Substantiating Documents screens as it pertains to Authorizing Officials and other Routing Officials.

March 6, 2025

DTS Expenses Screen for Travelers

Recommended for: Travel Clerk, NDEA, Traveler | Series: DTS (Basics)

This information paper explains the DTS Expenses module functionality and how to add and update the Reservation Expenses, Other Expenses, upload Substantiating Documents as it pertains to those who create travel documents.

March 6, 2025

Updating EFT and GTCC Information in a DTS Profile

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Basics)

This information paper explains how to update your EFT data and Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) information in your DTS profile when you receive a new GTCC. Valid EFT and GTCC information are necessary for ticketing and payments processed using DTS.

Feb. 6, 2025

How to Print a DTS Document

Recommended for: Traveler, Travel Clerk, NDEA, AO, RO | Series: DTS (Basics)
This information paper discusses how to setup Form Printing Preferences under My Profile to ensure the proper data appears on the printable or saved pdf. In addition, it explains how to print the DTS Default version for authorizations, vouchers, and local vouchers.

Feb. 6, 2025

DTS BI and Reporting Tool Indicator

Recommended for:  LDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


This information paper explains how to assign Defense Travel System (DTS) Business Intelligence and Reporting Tool (BIRT) access in a DTS profile. BIRT allows DTAs to create and run custom reports to support audits and manage their organization’s travel need.

Feb. 6, 2025

Secure Flight Program

Recommended for: AO, Traveler, RO, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: Programs and Policies

This information paper discusses how to add the DoD ID number in traveler profile for PreCheck participation. Secure Flight is a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) program to conduct uniform prescreening of passenger information against Federal Government watch lists for all covered U.S. and foreign flights into, out of, and within the U.S.

Feb. 5, 2025

Making Changes to DTS Documents

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Basics)

This information paper explains how to make edits, adjustments, and amendments to DTS documents.

Feb. 5, 2025

Restricted Airfares Available in DTS

Recommended for: AO, Travel Clerk, Traveler, NDEA, RO | Series: DTS (Basics)

This information paper provides information about selecting restricted airfares in DTS.

Feb. 5, 2025

Travel Advances for Restricted Airfares

Recommended for: AO, Travel Clerk, Traveler, NDEA, RO | Series: DTS (Basics)

This information paper covers important information about allowing, enabling, and using a travel advance to pay for a restricted airfare booked in DTS.

Feb. 5, 2025

Using Pay.Gov To Satisfy a Travel-Incurred Debt

Recommended for: NDEA, Traveler, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Special Topics)


This information paper provides information on using to make online payment to government agencies by credit card or by debit from your checking or savings account.

Feb. 5, 2025

What is a Valid Receipt?

Recommended for: Traveler, Travel Clerk, NDEA, AO, RO | Series: DTS (Basics)

This information paper presents the basics of voucher validation, so all travelers and DTS Authorizing Officials (AOs) can clearly understand DoD receipt requirements. A common cause of inappropriate payments, bad or missing receipts will cause an otherwise accurate voucher or expense report to fail an audit.

Feb. 4, 2025

72-Hour Auto-Cancellation

Recommended for: Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk, AO, RO | Series: DTS (Basics)

This information paper provides an overview of the 72-hour auto-cancellation rule and how it applies in DTS. It explains the cancellation policy and why the airline reservation is automatically cancelled by the carrier to avoid unfilled seats.

Feb. 3, 2025

Understanding A Travel Debt

Recommended for: DMM, LDTA, Traveler, Travel Clerk, NDEA | Series: DTS (Admin), DTS (Special Topics)

This information paper provides information about when a travel-incurred debt occurs, what a debt notification e-mail is, when a traveler should receive a debt notification e-mail, repayment options, and recourse for a travel debt.

Feb. 3, 2025

Adding FMS LOAs to a DTS Travel Document

Recommended for: Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Special Topics)


This information paper explains how to find and add a Line of Accounting to a DTS travel document if your trip is being funded by the Foreign Military Sales program. It also explains changes to the approval process when you do so.

Jan. 30, 2025

Accessing Training for Accountable Officials and Certifying Officers (TAOCO)

Recommended for: AO, RO, CBA-S, Approver | Series: Approver (COL/TAOCO)


This information paper provides instructions on how to access TAOCO web-based training.

Jan. 30, 2025

Accessing DTS Basics Training

Recommended for: Traveler, AO | Series: DTS (Basics)


This information paper outlines steps to access the web-based training series on Defense Travel Systems (DTS) Basics.

Jan. 30, 2025

Accessing Managing Travel Card Misuse Training

Recommended for: AO, APC, CO, CPM, Approver | Series: Programs and Policies

This information paper helps audiences understand their responsibilities for minimizing and addressing Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) misuse.

Jan. 30, 2025

Accessing Travel Card 101 Program Training

Recommended for: Traveler | Series: Programs and Policies


This information paper provides instructions on how to access Travel Card 101 web-based training.

Jan. 30, 2025

General TraX Training Instructions

Recommended for: All Roles | Series: Miscellaneous

This information paper explains how to access training in Travel Explorer (TraX).

Jan. 27, 2025

DTS Guide 3: Vouchers

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: Approver (DTS), DTS (Basics)

This guide explains how to create a DTS voucher after Temporary Duty or TDY travel, with a focus on making itinerary changes and updating cost estimates from the authorization to reflect actual events and costs on the voucher.

Jan. 24, 2025

DTS Guide 4: Local Vouchers

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: Approver (DTS), DTS (Basics)

This guide explains how to create a DTS local voucher, to claim reimbursement for expenses incurred, and payment of travel allowances related to official travel in the local area.

Jan. 14, 2025

How to Determine Your PKI Cert Expiration Date

Recommended for: All Roles | Series: Miscellaneous

This information paper shows travelers how to determine the expiration date of their Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificate.

Jan. 13, 2025

Accessing DTS on a Mac Computer

Recommended for: All DTS Roles | Series: DTS (Special Topics)


This information paper discusses problems users experience when accessing DTS on a Mac computer and provides viable workarounds to common issues.

Jan. 13, 2025

How to Calculate Local POV Mileage

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Basics)


This information paper provides information on how to correctly enter your privately owned vehicle (POV) mileage into DTS for one-stop and multi-stop official travel in the local area.

Dec. 17, 2024

Travel Policy Compliance Tool User Guide

Recommended for:  CTA, LDTA | Series: DTS (Admin) 

This guide provides detailed information on how to use the Travel Policy Compliance Tool, resolve problems in DTS travel documents, and how to grant access to other CTAs.

Dec. 12, 2024

DTA Manual, Chapter 08: LOAs

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This chapter covers the purpose of DTS Lines of Accounting (LOAs), their connection to budgets, allowable LOA formats, and options for creating and maintaining DTS LOAs to support document processing.

Dec. 9, 2024

DTA Manual, Chapter 09: Budgets

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This chapter explains how to create and maintain DTS budgets to support document processing.

Dec. 6, 2024

DTA Manual, Chapter 12: ROA and ROA Administration

Recommended for: LDTA, CBA-S | Series: DTS (Admin)

This chapter provides information on Read-Only Access (ROA) Users, ROA Administrators, their respective duties and abilities, and how to use ROA to view invoices and travel information.

Dec. 5, 2024

DTA Manual, Chapter 11: MIS Administration

Recommended for: LDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This chapter provides information on Management Information Systems (MIS) Users, MIS Administrators, and their respective duties and abilities within DTS.

Nov. 25, 2024

Who May Use DTS

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, Travel Clerk, NDEA | Series: DTS (Basics)
This paper explains that DoD travelers must use the Defense Travel System (DTS) for certain types and circumstances of travel. It also provides policy references when summarizing when DTS can or cannot be used.

Nov. 21, 2024

DTS Guide 2: Authorizations

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: Approver (DTS), DTS (Basics)

This guide explains how to create a DTS authorization for Temporary Duty or TDY travel, which covers creating an itinerary, selecting reservations, and entering reimbursable expenses and travel allowances.

Nov. 13, 2024

Trip Cancellation Procedures in DTS

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, Travel Clerk, NDEA | Series: DTS (Special Topics)

This information paper provides the process to follow if you created an authorization in DTS for a projected Temporary Duty or TDY trip that was later cancelled.

Oct. 4, 2024

Guide to Managing Travel-Incurred Debt

Recommended for: DMM | Series:  DTS (Admin)

This guide provides general information about the Debt Management Monitor's (DMM) overall role, how debt situations occur, and are resolved. The document explains the processes (and the DMM's responsibilities) related to the establishment, management, collection, waiving/appealing, and satisfaction of debt.

Sept. 27, 2024

DTS Financial Field Procedures Guide

Recommended for: AO, DMM, FDTA, LDTA, RO | Series: Approver (DTS), DTS (Admin)

This guide identifies the major financial roles, responsibilities, regulations, and requirements associated with DTS. It provides information on accountable officials and describes the role of the CO in the payment process and the AO’s and CO’s pecuniary liability if a financial loss occurs and addresses DTS functions that are financial in nature.

Sept. 19, 2024

Compliance Tool Administration

Recommended for: CTA, AO | Series: Programs and Policies 

This web-based class instructs Compliance Tool Administrators (CTAs) on the background and purpose of the Travel Policy Compliance Program. It defines the role of the CTA, explains how to use the Compliance Tool, and lists the typical Compliance Tool findings. This class is mandatory for ALL CTAs who requires access to the Compliance Tool.

Sept. 19, 2024

Enterprise Web Training System (EWTS)

Recommended for: BDTA, FDTA, LDTA, ODTA | Series:  DTS (Admin)

This web-based class instructs Defense Travel Administrators (DTAs) on how to setup and use the Enterprise Web Training System (EWTS) which mirrors the live Defense Travel System (DTS). The DTAs can use EWTS to provide customized class instruction to their personnel for the primary DTS roles (e.g., DTAs, Authorizing Officials (AOs), Non-DTS Entry Agents (NDEAs), travel clerks, and travelers).

Sept. 18, 2024

Desktop Guide for Authorizing Officials

Recommended for: AO, RO | Series: Approver (DTS)

This guide provides basic information to AOs on their official role, explaining the various tasks they must complete (such as approving and certifying documents in DTS in a step-by-step format. The guide serves as an introduction to novice AOs and a refresher document for experienced personnel.

Sept. 16, 2024

Introduction to Constructed Travel in DTS

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Special Topics)

This information paper lays out the process of constructed travel in DTS. In addition, it provides examples on how to use the Pre- and Post-Travel Worksheet.


Aug. 26, 2024

DTS Guide to Establishing LOAs and Budgets for the New Fiscal Year

Recommended for: FDTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This guide provides an overview of the fiscal year process for the Finance Defense Travel Administrator and Budget DTA. It includes rollover and copy functions of Lines of Accounting, as well as setting up associated budgets for the new fiscal year.

Aug. 26, 2024

DTS Guide to Processing Authorizations for the New Fiscal Year

Recommended for: FDTA, BDTA, AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Admin), DTS (Special Topics)

This guide provides an overview of the process for preparing DTS travel authorizations in the current fiscal year for travel that starts in a new fiscal year, or for trips that begin in the current fiscal year and continue into a new fiscal year.

July 8, 2024

Enterprise Web Training System (EWTS) – Instructor Guide and Slides

Recommended for: Instructor | Series: Instructor Curriculum

This resource set includes an Instructor Guide and PowerPoint slides for a DTA/Instructor in a Distance Learning format. The materials address basic instructions using the Enterprise Web Training System (EWTS), a software which simulates the production version of DTS. Some DoD sites use EWTS to conduct DTS training as it permits practice drills with no consequences for user mistakes. The resources are most appropriate for DTS trainers and DTAs who support DTS users.

June 21, 2024

Travel Policy Compliance Tool Administration

Recommended for: CTA, Instructor, LDTA | Series: Instructor curriculum

This resource set includes an Instructor Guide and supporting PowerPoint slides for a DTA/Instructor to use in a Distance Learning format. This material covers basic instructions for use of the Travel Policy Compliance Tool, an automated software that reviews Defense Travel System vouchers for items contrary to DoD travel policy. The material is specifically for use by Compliance Tool Administrators (CTAs), as they are responsible for sustaining the tool within their organization. This curriculum covers basic Tool functions, as well as how to generate reports, grant access to other users, and assist travelers and AOs with vouchers containing errors.

April 3, 2024

DTS Guide 5: Group Authorizations

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: Approver (DTS), DTS (Special Topics)


This guide explains how to create, amend, and cancel a DTS group authorization. It focuses on and highlights how a group authorization differs from an authorization.

April 2, 2024

DTS CBA Reconciliation Manual

Recommended for: CBA-S, LDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This manual provides information on the procedures for performing CBA Reconciliation functions within DTS, focusing on site CBA Specialist DTS reconciliation procedures. The text provides an introduction to the CBA billing process and user functions, as well as roles for CBA specialists, CBA-DTAs, and CBA administrators.

April 1, 2024

Defense Travel System (DTS) Best Practices Guide

Recommended for: All DTS Roles, APC, CPM, TO | Series: DTS (Basics), DTS (Admin), DTS (Special Topics), Approver (DTS)

This guide provides organizations direction on developing local business rules and processes for using the Defense Travel System.

March 6, 2024

Create an Authorization: Traveler Instructions

Recommended for: NDEA, Traveler, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Basics)

This tri-fold guides travelers and NDEAs through the process of creating a typical authorization within DTS.

March 5, 2024

Authorizing Official Checklist

Recommended for: AO, RO | Series: Approver (DTS)

This tri-fold provides an overview of an Authorizing Official's roles and responsibilities and contains partial checklists of actions to take when processing authorizations and vouchers in DTS.

March 4, 2024

Create a Local Voucher: Traveler Instructions

Recommended for: Traveler, Travel Clerk, NDEA | Series: DTS (Basics)

This tri-fold explains how to create a local voucher, add mileage and non- mileage expenses, and amend and adjust local vouchers.

March 4, 2024

Create a Voucher from Authorization: Traveler Instructions

Recommended for: NDEA, Traveler, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Basics)

This tri-fold shows how to create a voucher from an authorization, as well as how to adjust and amend vouchers.

March 1, 2024

CBA Reconciliation Basics

Recommended for: CBA-S | Series: DTS (Admin)
This web-based training provides the Centrally Billed Account Specialist (CBA-S) basic instructions on how to monitor and reconcile organization travel when travelers use the centrally billed accounts (CBAs) to purchase air or rail tickets through the Defense Travel System (DTS). It introduces the tools and processes used to successfully pay off a monthly CBA invoice, though it makes no attempt to do a deep dive into every possible scenario the CBA-S could encounter in the course of their duties. This class does not cover local business practices or CBAs processed outside of DTS.

Dec. 19, 2023

Instructions to Cancel a Trip

Recommended for: Traveler, NDEA, AO, Travel Clerk, RO | Series: DTS (Special Topics)

This tri-fold guides user through cancelling a trip in DTS.

Dec. 19, 2023

Trip Cancel Procedures - AOs

Recommended for: AO, RO | Series: Approver (DTS)

This tri-fold outlines the cancellation process for Authorizing Officials that use DTS.

Dec. 12, 2023

Enterprise Web Training System (EWTS) Guide

Recommended for: Instructor, LDTA | Series: DTS (Admin), Instructor Curriculum

This guide explains the training system's features and purpose, as well as how to access and set-up the environment to practice document process and organizational maintenance.

Dec. 6, 2023

DTS Reservation Process Guide

Recommended for: AO, BDTA, CBA-S, Travel Clerk, NDEA, RO, Traveler Series: DTS (Basics), Approver (DTS)

This guide provides insight into how DTS and the Travel Management Company (TMC) interact to book a traveler's reservations for Temporary Duty or TDY travel. It emphasizes the overall travel process, providing best practices, and offering solutions to common problems that could prevent your travel program from running at peak efficiency.

Dec. 6, 2023

DTA Manual - Download All

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This ZIP file contains the DTA Manual Chapters and Appendices for the 2023 reference that provides information on DTS setup, responsibilities, infrastructure, and implementation. This ZIP also includes reports pertaining to travel documents and maintenance instruction required for on-going program management.

Nov. 17, 2023

DTA Manual, Appendix Q: DTS Organization Naming Sequence

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


This appendix provides the Defense Travel System (DTS) naming sequence for various DoD Components.

Oct. 20, 2023

DTA Manual, Appendix K: DTS Tables

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This appendix provides information that DTS displays in drop-down lists, such as trip purposes, travel modes, reimbursable expenses, and methods of reimbursement.

Oct. 19, 2023

DTA Manual, Appendix L: Reorganizations

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


This appendix covers the steps and DTS functions used when reorganizing your DTS organization hierarchy.

Oct. 18, 2023

Travel Card Program Management (APC & CPM Course) Mandatory

Recommended for: APC, CPM | Series: Programs and Policies


This web-based class is designed for all levels of DoD travel program managers, this course provides an overview of the DoD travel card program with an emphasis on proper program management. Participants will emerge with a better understanding of card features and benefits, and the policies that govern the program. APCs and CPMs are encouraged to complete this TraX course prior to taking CitiDirect EAS training.

Oct. 16, 2023

DTA Manual, Appendix R: LOA Formats

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


This appendix provides Line of Accounting (LOA) formats for various DoD Components, as well as the LOA data elements used to generate Customer Identification Codes at authorization approval.

Oct. 16, 2023

DTA Manual, Chapter 03: DTS Site Setup

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This chapter presents DTS Site Setup process, discusses how DTS safeguards data, and introduces DTS roles such as travelers, Routing Officials, Defense Travel Administrators (DTAs), and more.

Oct. 13, 2023

DTA Manual, Chapter 02: DTS Access

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


This chapter explains how to activate and register a DTS account, log onto the system, and resolve problems during the login and authentication process.

Oct. 13, 2023

DTA Manual, Chapter 07: People

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This chapter defines the personnel who use DTS, and covers the different types of personal profiles, as well as how to create and maintain them.

Sept. 21, 2023

Correct EFT Returns

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA, NDEA, Traveler, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Special Topics), DTS (Admin)


This information paper discusses the best practices for preventing electronic fund transfer (EFT) returns.

Sept. 12, 2023

TDY Travel Policies 101

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: Programs and Policies


This web-based class outlines the regulations behind DoD Temporary Duty (TDY) travel. The course is recommended for anyone who travels for DoD, creates travel documents for DoD travelers, or approves those travel documents. Other individuals involved in the travel process could benefit as well.

Sept. 12, 2023

The DTS Approval Process

Recommended for: AO, CBA-S, RO | Series:  Approver (DTS)


This web-based class is designed to instruct Routing Officials how to review and approve documents using DTS. It explains the electronic stamping procedure, how to delegate reviewing and approving authority, and the consequences of applying various stamps to a document.

Sept. 12, 2023

U.S. Government Rental Car Program

Recommended for: Traveler, Travel Clerk, NDEA, AO, RO | Series: Programs and Policies


This web-based class provides an overview of the U.S. Government Rental Car Program. It includes information about the rules behind and tips for renting cars when traveling for DoD.

Sept. 12, 2023

Vital Skills for Authorizing Officials

Recommended for: AO, RO | Series:  Approver (DTS)


This web-based class builds on the foundation established in the course, “The DTS Approval Process,” which introduced basic navigation and orientation skills for Authorizing Officials (AOs) who review and approve DTS travel documents. Vital Skills for AOs takes that one step further, presenting the philosophy, thought processes, and working aids necessary to do a thorough and methodical review of DTS travel documents.

Sept. 12, 2023

Vital Skills for Authorizing Officials: Applied

Recommended for: AO, RO | Series:  Approver (DTS)


This web-based class provides Authorizing Officials (AOs) an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills that were introduced in "The DTS Approval Process" and "Vital Skills for AOs" modules. Users engage in interactive scenarios requiring them to think critically and analyze travel documents for accuracy. Participants also receive recommendations for coaching travelers as part of a strategy to improve the efficiency of their organization’s travel program.

Sept. 12, 2023

Vital Skills for Authorizing Officials: Assessment

Recommended for: AO, RO | Series: Approver (DTS)

This web-based class assesses the participant's ability to apply the knowledge and skills learned in the DTS Approval Process, Vital Skills for Authorizing Officials, and Vital Skills for Authorizing Officials: Applied modules.

Sept. 5, 2023

Lines of Accounting/Budgets

Recommended for: BDTA, FDTA, LDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


This web-based training demonstrates how to create and maintain Lines of Accounting (LOAs) and budgets in DTS. Finance DTAs will learn how to use the DTA Maintenance Tool to search for, create, modify, copy, roll over, delete, and run reports on defense systems LOAs. Budget DTAs will learn how to use the DTS Budget module to create new budgets for existing LOAs, add budget targets, manually adjust those budget targets to reflect travel outside DTS, and run budget reports.

Sept. 5, 2023

City Pair Program

Recommended for: Traveler, Travel Clerk, NDEA, RO, AO | Series: Programs and Policies


This web-based training provides an overview of the GSA City Pair Program, rules and regulations guiding the program, and traveler responsibilities.

Sept. 5, 2023

Joint Travel Regulations Overview

Recommended for: All Roles | Series: Programs and Policies 

This web-based class outlines the rules and regulations that govern DoD Temporary Duty or TDY travel. The class is for everyone who creates, reviews, or approves DTS travel documents, though other people involved in the travel process may benefit as well. 

Sept. 5, 2023

Troubleshooting & Best Practices for DTAs

Recommended for: BDTA, FDTA, LDTA, ODTA | Series:  DTS (Admin)


This web-based class covers common issues encountered by DTS users, the recommended courses of action for troubleshooting, and some preventative maintenance techniques that Defense Travel Administrators (DTAs) should incorporate into their duties.

Aug. 31, 2023

DTA Manual, Chapter 05: Routing Lists

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


This chapter explains the reason for routing lists, the duties of routing officials, minimum routing list requirements, and the process of creating and maintaining DTS routing lists.

Aug. 31, 2023

DTA Manual, Chapter 06: Groups

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This chapter explains the purpose of DTS groups, the meaning of group membership and group access, the use of Global Group Membership Rules (GGMRs), and how to create and maintain groups.

Aug. 30, 2023

DTA Manual, Chapter 04: Organizations

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


This chapter introduces the Defense Travel System DTS) organizational structure and illustrates how to create and update organizations.

Aug. 29, 2023

Cancellation Procedures

Recommended for: Travel Clerk, NDEA, RO, AO, Traveler, LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS (Special Topics)


This web-based training demonstrates how to cancel trips in the DTS, whether expenses were incurred for the trip or not. It outlines the correct cancellation procedures to guarantee that correct reimbursements are made, ensuring that neither the traveler nor the government incur any additional expenses after the cancellation.

Aug. 29, 2023

Constructed Travel

Recommended for: AO, Travel Clerk, NDEA, RO, Traveler | Series: DTS (Special Topics)

This web-based training explains correct way to submit a Constructed travel request for TDY travel, for approval to use a transportation mode other than the one directed by the Authorizing Official. The class walks through the process of preparing a cost comparison using a Pre-Travel and Post-Travel Worksheet, and how using constructed travel may affect trip allowances.

Aug. 29, 2023

FY Crossover

Recommended for: BDTA, FDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This web-based class provides an overview of the fiscal year crossover process for the local Finance and Budget Defense Travel Administrators. The class includes a review of lines of accounting rollover and copy functions, as well as how to set up associated budgets for the new fiscal year.

Aug. 29, 2023

Group Travel

Recommended for: Travel Clerk, NDEA, RO, AO, Traveler | Series: DTS (Special Topics)

This web-based class explains how to make group travel arrangements for travelers sharing transportation and lodging, and how to create a group authorization in DTS.

Aug. 29, 2023

Itinerary Adjustments

Recommended for: Travel Clerk, NDEA, RO, AO, Traveler | Series: DTS (Special Topics)

This web-based class provides instruction on how to adjust trip dates and reservations due to changes in travel requirements after an authorization has been created in DTS. In addition, the class explains the differences between making adjustments and amendments and the impact of both to the approval process.

Aug. 29, 2023


Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, Travel Clerk, NDEA | Series: DTS (Special Topics)


This web-based class covers how to use DTS to arrange travel and claim expenses for OCONUS trips. It explains the process for making OCONUS travel reservations, the impact to per diem allowances when crossing the International Date Line, and the process of claiming OCONUS reimbursable expenses on a DTS voucher.

Aug. 29, 2023

Personal Leave with Official Travel (PLOT)

Recommended for: AO, Travel Clerk, NDEA, RO, Traveler | Series: DTS (Special Topics)


This web-based class explains how to use DTS to obtain travel and lodging reservations, enter appropriate reimbursable expenses, modify per diem entitlements, and correctly claim reimbursements when taking leave at a TDY location.

Aug. 28, 2023

Distance Learning Schedule

Recommended for: All Roles | Series: Miscellaneous

This document provides the schedule of current available classes with course details.

Aug. 25, 2023

Permissive Travel in DTS

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Special Topics)


This information paper explains that to align with travel policy, permissive travel is not a trip type in DTS.

Aug. 25, 2023

Updating Local Level Support Contact

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


This information paper explains the steps for updating the local help desk point of contact information listed on the DTMO website.

Aug. 22, 2023

Debt Management Monitor

Recommended for: DMM | Series: DTS (Admin)


This web-based training provides basic instruction on how to track and monitor organization travel debts through the DTS. It includes an overview of DTS’s automated debt management process, and in-depth information about Debt Management Monitor (DMM) actions from initial identification of a due U.S. voucher to archiving the document when the debt has been satisfied. This class does not cover local business practices or debt management actions taken outside DTS.

Aug. 22, 2023

Maintenance Tool: People

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

The DTA Maintenance Tool enables authorized DTAs to create and maintain key elements of DTS including personnel, groups of travelers, routing lists, and the hierarchy of organizations. This web-based class explains how DTAs manage the personal information of users assigned to their organization, how to create user profiles, update users’ personal information, delete or detach users from organizations, and view the groups to which travelers are assigned.

Aug. 22, 2023

Maintenance Tool: An Overview

Recommended for: BDTA, FDTA, LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

The DTA Maintenance Tool enables authorized DTAs to create and maintain key organizational elements in DTS including personnel, groups of travelers, routing lists, and the hierarchy of organizations. This web-based class provides an overview of the functions available; describes how to navigate through the tool; and provides information about controlled access, permission levels, and roles.

Aug. 22, 2023

Maintenance Tool: Groups

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


The DTA Maintenance Tool enables authorized DTAs to create and maintain key organizational elements in the DTS including personnel, groups of travelers, routing lists, and the hierarchy of organizations. This web-based class describes how DTAs restrict access to travelers’ personal information and travel documents by assigning travelers to “groups” and only allowing certain users access to group members’ profiles and travel documents.

Aug. 22, 2023

Maintenance Tool: Organizations

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


The DTA Maintenance Tool enables authorized DTAs to create and maintain key organizational elements in DTS including personnel, groups of travelers, routing lists, and the hierarchy of organizations. This web-based class teaches DTAs how to maintain their hierarchical organizational structure to help facilitate the routing of electronic travel documents, maintenance of accounting information, and running of reports.

Aug. 22, 2023

Maintenance Tool: Routing Lists

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


The DTA Maintenance Tool enables authorized DTAs to create and maintain key organizational elements in DTS including personnel, groups of travelers, routing lists, and the hierarchy of organizations. This web-based class reviews how DTAs create and maintain electronic routing lists (the names, in order, of officials who must digitally “sign” a document in order for it to be approved) in order to complete the travel and reimbursement process.

Aug. 22, 2023


Recommended for: DMM, FDTA, ODTA, LDTA, BDTA, CBA-S | Series: DTS (Admin), DTS (Special Topics)


This web-based class explains how to produce DTS travel related reports. DoD travel managers (such as Defense Travel Administrators [DTAs]) use the reports to gather real-time data to manage their organization's travel program. From individual trip itineraries and lodging details to budgets and routing lists, DTS reports provide data on nearly every facet of official travel, thereby improving oversight of travel and its associated administrative processes.

Aug. 18, 2023

Travel Card Program (Travel Card 101) Mandatory

Recommended for: Traveler | Series: Programs and Policies


This web-based class is an overview of the DoD Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) program. It includes sections on obtaining, using, and paying off balances on the GTCC. This course is mandatory for anyone who has and uses a GTCC.

Aug. 18, 2023

About DTS

Recommended for: All DTS Roles | Series: DTS (Basics)


This class introduces the Defense Travel System (DTS) to users and explains how to navigate the system. It serves as a precursor to the DTS Travel Documents (DTS 101) web-based training module.

Aug. 18, 2023

TAOCO (COL) Annual Refresher

Recommended for: AO, CBA-S, RO | Series: Approver (COL/TAOCO)

With supervisor approval, the refresher web-based class provides experienced Authorizing Officials and Departmental Accountable Officials who work with DTS to satisfy the annual refresher training requirement for Certifying Officer Legislation.

Aug. 18, 2023

TAOCO (COL) Initial

Recommended for: AO, CBA-S, RO | Series:  Approver (COL/TAOCO)


This web-based class familiarizes new Approvers and Departmental Accountable Officials with their duties and responsibilities when approving travel documents in DTS. With supervisor approval, it can also satisfy the Certifying Officer Legislation training requirement for newly appointed Approvers and DAOs who use DTS to certify payments.

Aug. 16, 2023

Cross-Organization Funding

Recommended for: FDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


This information paper explains how to allow another organization to use your own organization's lines of accounting in DTS.

Aug. 16, 2023

DTS Organization Change Profile Information Chart

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This information paper discusses the steps to move and setup a personal profile when the individual's owning organization changes.

Aug. 16, 2023

Global Group Membership Rules

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


This information paper explains Global Group Membership Rules (GGMRs) in DTS and how they work.

Aug. 15, 2023

Dependent Travel in DTS

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Special Topics)


This information paper provides information on the process for creating an authorization in DTS for a dependent who will be on official travel.

Aug. 15, 2023

DFAS Check Trace Process

Recommended for: LDTA, Travel Clerk, NDEA, Traveler | Series: DTS (Special Topics)

This information paper explains when to use the AskDFAS process and how to submit an online ticket requesting Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) trace a missing travel payment.

Aug. 15, 2023

Document Lock Procedures

Recommended for: Traveler, LDTA, ODTA | Series:  DTS (Special Topics)


This information paper explains how to unlock a document that is locked to prevent others from creating modifications to the same document simultaneously. The DTA can unlock the record to continue processing the trip.

Aug. 15, 2023

DTS Introduction

Recommended for: All DTS Roles | Series: DTS (Basics)


This information paper provides a general overview of the Defense Travel System (DTS) to include DTS features, the trip planning process, available training resources, and points of contact for assistance.

Aug. 15, 2023

How to Claim Airline Checked Baggage Fee

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Basics)


This information paper discusses how to claim reimbursement for checked baggage that airlines may charge.

Aug. 15, 2023

Introduction to CBA Reconciliation in DTS

Recommended for: LDTA, CBA-S | Series: DTS (Special Topics)

This information paper provides vital background information about the process of reconciling Centrally Billed accounts in DTS.

Aug. 14, 2023

Budget and Audit Pass Issues

Recommended for: AO, BDTA, FDTA, LDTA | Series: DTS (Admin), Approver (DTS)


This information paper addresses the known causes of audit pass errors when attempting to approve a document in DTS.

Aug. 8, 2023

TAC & TraX: Helpful Resources Guide

Recommended for: AO, Travel Clerk, NDEA, RO, Traveler | Series: DTS (Special Topics)


This guide helps with travel-related issues by explaining two important resources - the Travel Assistance Center (TAC), which is a DoD-wide travel help desk, and TraX, which is available through the Passport web portal that serves as a DoD centralized source of travel information.

Aug. 8, 2023

DTS Travel Documents (DTS 101)

Recommended for: AO, Clerk, LDTA, NDEA, Traveler

This class provides instruction on how to create travel documents (authorizations, vouchers, and local vouchers) in the Defense Travel System (DTS).

Aug. 8, 2023

Non-DTS Entry Agent (NDEA)

Recommended for: Travel Clerk, NDEA | Series: DTS (Basics)


This web-based class explains how to create DTS travel documents, but may benefit other travel preparers (e.g., administrative assistants, travel clerks) as well.

Aug. 7, 2023

DTA Manual, Appendix M: Ranks and Grades

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This appendix contains military and civilian rank and pay grade abbreviations, as well as DoD Component names and codes, and Reserve category descriptions and codes.

Aug. 7, 2023

DTA Manual, Appendix N: Country Codes

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This appendix contains a list of country codes used in the Defense Travel System.

Aug. 5, 2023

Managing Travel Card Abuse

Recommended for: AO, APC, CPM | Series: Programs and Policies


This web-based class is designed to help users understand their responsibilities for minimizing and addressing Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) or travel card misuse. This does not comprehensively cover APC duties, either in general, or as regards GTCC misuse specifically.

Aug. 4, 2023

DTA Manual, Appendix J: Help Process

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This appendix explains how to get help should you encounter any DTS or other travel-related problems.

Aug. 3, 2023

DTA Manual, Appendix B: Acronyms

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This appendix contains the full names for official titles, systems, and other routine terms related to DTS.

Aug. 3, 2023

DTA Manual, Appendix C: Definitions

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


This appendix provides definitions for frequently used DTS terms, explaining the job responsibilities of various officials, and what various actions entail.

Aug. 3, 2023

DTA Manual, Appendix F: Import/Export Module

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)


This appendix provides an overview of the partner system process, explaining partner system roles, and how to set up these systems in DTS.

Aug. 3, 2023

DTA Manual, Appendix G: Error Codes

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This appendix provides lists and descriptions of DTS error codes, system administrator error codes, and GEX error codes.

Aug. 3, 2023

Renewal Agreement Travel

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Special Topics)

This information paper explains how to create a DTS authorization if you are a DoD civilian employee on official leave travel between OCONUS assignments.

July 31, 2023

Invitational Travel Procedures Guide

Recommended for: AO, Travel Clerk, LDTA, NDEA, ODTA, RO, Traveler | Series: DTS (Special Topics)


This guide discusses how to create Invitational Travel Authorizations (ITAs) in DTS and create a DTS voucher from an ITA. Invitational Travel is used when the DoD authorizes official travel for eligible persons who are not federal employees.

June 30, 2023

Introduction to Imported Authorizations for Partner Systems Travelers Using DTS

Recommended for: AO, RO, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Special Topics)


This information paper provides background to how partner systems import authorizations into DTS. It also explains how to complete an imported authorization in DTS.

June 28, 2023

Booking Hotel Rooms at a Conference Rate

Recommended for: NDEA, Traveler, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Basics)


This information paper explains the process for booking a hotel in DTS when a conference rate applies.

April 11, 2023

Required Information for Travel Assistance Center Help Tickets

Recommended for: All DTS Roles | Series: DTS (Basics)

This information paper outlines how to create a Travel Assistance Center (TAC) ticket using Travel Explorer (TraX).

March 29, 2023

Self-Authorizing Officials in DTS

Recommended for: AO, RO, LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS (Special Topics)

This information paper explains the role of the Self Authorizing Official (SAO), how SAOs are appointed, and when the SAOs approve their own Defense Travel System (DTS) travel documents.

Feb. 17, 2023

The Manual Abandon Process: Closing a Stuck Document

Recommended for: AO, RO, LDTA, ODTA, FDTA, BDTA, Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: Approver (DTS), DTS (Admin), DTS (Special Topics)

This information paper addresses the document closure process when the Manual Abandon Stamp is applied to a document that is stuck in DTS.

Oct. 3, 2022

TAC Live Chat User Guide

Recommended for: Traveler, AO, RO, NDEA, Travel Clerk Series: DTS (Basics)

Describes how to use the Travel Assistance Center's Live Chat option for support.

May 20, 2022

DTA Manual, Appendix E: Emails

Recommended for: FDTA, LDTA, ODTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This appendix contains a list of emails the Defense Travel System sends and explains when it sends them.

May 1, 2022

DoD Travel: Citi's Learning Center Manual

Recommended for: APC, CPM, CBA-S, Traveler | Series: Miscellaneous


Citi provides access to a virtual classroom and full suite of training resources through our CitiManager Learning Center available via the CitiManager Site Home screen at Quick Reference Guide describes how to access the Learning Center, view available training resources, launch a course, complete a course, obtain a Certificate of Completion.

March 1, 2022

Enterprise Web Training System (EWTS)

Recommended for: LDTA, Instructor | Series: DTS (Admin), Instructor Curriculum

EWTS is software that simulates the Defense Travel System (DTS). Many DoD sites use EWTS to conduct DTS training, because it permits practice drills with no consequences for user mistakes. This course is for those who support and train DTS users who hold a variety of roles in the system. The emphasis is on management of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificates, which must be used to launch EWTS. Specifically, instructors discuss hardware requirements for PKI certificates, plus how to order and maintain PKI certificates.

March 1, 2022

Travel Card Program

Recommended for: Instructor | Series: Instructor Curriculum

This course is for trainers to cover the DoD Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) program. The class addresses the process of obtaining, using, and paying off balances on the GTCC. Course material include slides, instructor and student guides, which may be customized to meet Component training requirements.

March 1, 2022

Travel Policy Compliance Tool Administration

Recommended for: CTA, LDTA | Series: Programs and Policies

This class provides basic instructions for use of the Travel Policy Compliance Tool; an automated software that reviews Defense Travel System vouchers for items contrary to DoD travel policy. The class covers basic Tool functions, as well as how to generate reports, grant access to other users, and assist travelers and AOs with vouchers containing errors.

Nov. 9, 2021

DoD Travel: CitiManager User Guide – APCs

Recommended for: APC, CPM | Series: Miscellaneous


This CitiManager User Guide provides detailed instructions for all CitiManager functions which are based upon your role and entitlements. You may not have entitlements for all the functions described in this User Guide. To access the Citi trainings and resources, you must log into Citi Manager at For more information about Learning Center access please review DoD Travel: Citi's Learning Center Manual available at

Nov. 9, 2021

DoD Travel: CitiManager Quick Start User Guide – APCs

Recommended for: APC, CPM | Series: Miscellaneous


The CitiManager Quick Start User Guide for Program Administrators provides step-by-step instructions and screenshots for the most used functions. This guide includes topics for self-registering, logging in to the CitiManager Site, viewing statements and unbilled transactions, performing account maintenance, resetting passwords, merging usernames, and retrieving forgotten username.  To access the Citi trainings and resources, you must log into Citi Manager at For more information about Learning Center access please review DoD Travel: Citi's Learning Center Manual available at

Nov. 9, 2021

DoD Travel: CitiManager One-time Passcode Job Aid

Recommended for: CPM, APC | Series: Miscellaneous


This Citi job aid describes the steps necessary to enter a one-time passcode when prompted. To access the Citi trainings and resources, you must log into Citi Manager at For more information about Learning Center access please review DoD Travel: Citi's Learning Center Manual available at

Nov. 9, 2021

DoD Travel: CitiManager CBT – My Profile

Recommended for: APC, CPM | Series: Miscellaneous


This Citi supported training module provides the process to change your base company when you have access to more than one, change your password and reset your challenge questions, update user profile information, update preferences, set email alerts, and merge usernames To access the Citi trainings, you must log into Citi Manager at For more information about Learning Center access please review DoD Travel: Citi's Learning Center Manual available at

Nov. 9, 2021

DoD Travel: CitiManager CBT – Getting Started

Recommended for: APC, CPM | Series: Miscellaneous


This Citi supported training module provides the steps to self-register as a Non-Cardholder, log in and log out of the CitiManager site, choose your language, select your company, and retrieve a forgotten password or username. To access the Citi trainings, you must log into Citi Manager at For more information about Learning Center access please review DoD Travel: Citi's Learning Center Manual available at

Nov. 9, 2021

DoD Travel: CitiManager Reporting Quick Start Guide

Recommended for: APC, CPM | Series: Miscellaneous

The Citi Manager Reporting Quick Start Guide provides an overview of the tool, including basic navigation, and provides the steps required to run a standard report template, edit a report in Report Viewer, export a report, add/view a report in the History List, subscribe to a report, and save a report template. To access the Citi trainings and resources, you must log into Citi Manager at For more information about Learning Center access please review DoD Travel: Citi's Learning Center Manual available at

Nov. 9, 2021

DoD Travel: CitiManager Reporting – Standard Reporting Package User Guide

Recommended for: APC, CPM | Series: Miscellaneous


The Citibank Custom Reporting System (CCRS) User Guide explains the Standard Reporting Package, a predefined set of reports. To access the Citi trainings and resources, you must log into Citi Manager at For more information about Learning Center access please review DoD Travel: Citi's Learning Center Manual available at

Nov. 8, 2021

Contact Card Template

Recommended for: BDTA, FDTA, LDTA, ODTA | Series: DTS Admin

This travel assistance template may be used to provide contact information for the organization's help desk, DTA, transportation office, and TMC. A DTA should enter the information on the template and then print for travelers to carry while on official travel.

Nov. 3, 2021

Updating Itinerary and Reservations in a Voucher

Recommended for: Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Special Topics)

This tri-fold guides the user through creating adjustments and amendments to an itinerary in a voucher.

Nov. 3, 2021

Updating Itinerary and Reservations in an Authorization

Recommended for: Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Special Topics)

This tri-fold guides the user through the process of creating adjustments and amendments to an itinerary in an authorization.

Oct. 28, 2021

Setup Flow Process in DTS: DTA Instructions

Recommended for: LDTA, ODTA, FDTA, BDTA | Series: DTS (Admin)

This tri-fold provides guidance on using DTS to create an organizational structure.

Oct. 27, 2021

Partner System Imported Authorization in DTS: Traveler Instructions

Recommended for: Traveler, NDEA, Travel Clerk | Series: DTS (Special Topics)

This tri-fold explains how travelers complete an imported authorization in the Defense Travel System.