Training Search Tool

Search for training resources by keyword, user role, or type. If no options are selected, all training will display below.

When searching by keyword, include quotation marks around search terms to return only results with exact phrasing (i.e. "travel card" will yield results that contain the exact phrase "travel card"). Without quotation marks, the database will search for both "travel" and "card" (results will include terms separately).

Type: Distance Learning

July 8, 2024

Enterprise Web Training System (EWTS) – Instructor Guide and Slides

Recommended for: Instructor | Series: Instructor Curriculum

This resource set includes an Instructor Guide and PowerPoint slides for a DTA/Instructor in a Distance Learning format. The materials address basic instructions using the Enterprise Web Training System (EWTS), a software which simulates the production version of DTS. Some DoD sites use EWTS to conduct DTS training as it permits practice drills with no consequences for user mistakes. The resources are most appropriate for DTS trainers and DTAs who support DTS users.

Aug. 28, 2023

Distance Learning Schedule

Recommended for: All Roles | Series: Miscellaneous

This document provides the schedule of current available classes with course details.

March 1, 2022

Enterprise Web Training System (EWTS)

Recommended for: LDTA, Instructor | Series: DTS (Admin), Instructor Curriculum

EWTS is software that simulates the Defense Travel System (DTS). Many DoD sites use EWTS to conduct DTS training, because it permits practice drills with no consequences for user mistakes. This course is for those who support and train DTS users who hold a variety of roles in the system. The emphasis is on management of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificates, which must be used to launch EWTS. Specifically, instructors discuss hardware requirements for PKI certificates, plus how to order and maintain PKI certificates.

March 1, 2022

Travel Policy Compliance Tool Administration

Recommended for: CTA, LDTA | Series: Programs and Policies

This class provides basic instructions for use of the Travel Policy Compliance Tool; an automated software that reviews Defense Travel System vouchers for items contrary to DoD travel policy. The class covers basic Tool functions, as well as how to generate reports, grant access to other users, and assist travelers and AOs with vouchers containing errors.