2025 BAH Rates

The latest Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) rates have been released. Look up 2025 rates.

Basic Allowance for Housing Rate Lookup

Use the forms below to find BAH rates by ZIP code, supplemental rate information, or to download annual BAH rate data for all locations and all pay grades.

A member assigned to permanent duty within the 50 United States, who is not furnished Government housing, is eligible for BAH, based on the member's rank, dependency status, and permanent duty station zip code.

Look up duty station ZIP code [usps.com].
Component breakdowns show the average percentage breakdown between rent and utilities for each Military Housing Area and may help inform housing choices when relocating to a new area.

National out-of-pocket amounts show computed cost‐sharing amounts based on a reduction of five percent of the national mean for each pay grade.

Non-locality rates show BAH rates not tied to a location, including partial BAH, BAH reserve component/transient (RC/T), and BAH differential (BAH-DIFF).

Download a ZIP file containing BAH rates for all locations and all pay grades for the specified year.