Joint Travel Regulations Changes

Changes to the JTR are published to DTMO's Policy & Regulations RSS feed.

TitleDescriptionEffective Date
UTD-CTD for MAP-CAP 21-24(I) MISCELLANEOUS CORRECTIONSThis item corrects miscellaneous minor grammatical errors and updates the Table of Contents in the Joint Travel Regulations.4/1/2024
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 27-24(I) Miscellaneous CorrectionsThis item corrects miscellaneous minor grammatical errors in the Joint Travel Regulations.5/1/2024
UTD for MAP 94-24(I), Correction to Table 5-13This item corrects the typo in Rule 4 of Table 5-13. Rule 4 is intended to apply to CONUS locations. Effective November 27, 2024.11/27/2024
UTD-CTD FOR MAP-CAP 46-21(R) ILP EXEMPTION FOR TVL SYS RETAINING GOVT LDG AVAIL DOC.PDFThis item creates an exemption from the Integrated Lodging Program (ILP) requirement to provide a certificate of non-availability number (CNA) for a travel system that retains documentation of Government quarters availability. Instead of requiring a CNA, the system will save documentation of Government quarters availability. The saved documentation will be available to the authorizing official to limit reimbursement if necessary.4/21/2022
UTD for MAP 27-22(R), “Gun Safe Transportation”This item creates authority for the transportation of empty gun safes, totaling up to 500 pounds, in addition to a Service member’s prescribed Household Goods (HHG) weight allowance, not to exceed 18,000 pounds, as authorized in 37 U.S.C. §453(c)(3).5/1/2022
UTD for MAP 21-23(R), Increase Recruiter ExpensesThis item edits Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), pars. 020605 and 020606 to incorporate an increase to the reimbursement limits for recruiting expenses and monthly parking expenses.8/2/2023
UTD-CTD FOR MAP-CAP 46-22(E) TRAVEL MANAGEMENT COMPANY (TMC) CANNOT BE REACHED.PDFThis item edits JTR, par. 020207 addressing the authority for an Authorizing Official to certify circumstances for reimbursement when a TMC cannot be reached.7/19/2022
UTD-CTD for MAP-CAP 61-22(E) Examples of When Travel Management Company Cannot be ReachedThis item edits JTR, par. 020207 addressing the authority for an Authorizing Official to certify circumstances for reimbursement when a TMC cannot be reached.9/20/2022
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP – 20-23(E), Premium Class and Premium Economy DefinitionThis item edits JTR, pars. 020205, 031802, and Appendix A to incorporate the definition change of premium class accommodations, introduce premium economy airline accommodations as a class of service, and management controls related to the use premium class accommodations.6/1/2023
UTD for MAP 60-22(R) Dover, DE TLE ExtensionThis item establishes the Dover, DE Military Housing Area (MHA) DE054 as a location to receive an extension of Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE) under the authority in 37 U.S.C. § 452. Due to the lingering effects of the pandemic, installations are experiencing a housing shortage, which is extending the time period for incoming personnel to find housing.9/19/2022
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