Joint Travel Regulations Changes

Changes to the JTR are published to DTMO's Policy & Regulations RSS feed.

TitleDescriptionEffective Date
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 48-24(I), Clarification for POV Constructed Cost ComparisonsThis item clarifies that when a traveler chooses to use a Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) for TDY travel, it is considered a personal choice and is never a standard or directed mode. It also clarifies that a constructed travel worksheet (CTW) such as the DTMO’s CTW or a similar locally-approved form is required when a POV is used unless the directed/authorized mode was an available Government automobile. The AO must review the CTW to consider both cost and other factors when determining if POV use is advantageous to the Government. Effective August 1, 2024.8/1/2024
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 53-24(I), Miscellaneous CorrectionsThis item corrects miscellaneous minor grammatical errors and corrects language in the Joint Travel Regulations. Effective August 1, 2024.8/1/2024
UTD-CTD for MAP-CAP 49-24(I), Clarify When Government Quarters may be DirectedThis item clarifies that Service members and civilian employees may be directed to use Government contracted or owned lodging when assigned to a contingency operation or operational deployment or performing duty under similar conditions. Effective immediately.7/19/2024
UTD for MAP 37-24(I), Clarify Eligibility Requirements for Non-Emergency Specialty CareThis item clarifies that a patient may be eligible for travel allowances if the qualifications as specified in health care programs established and administered by the Military Health System are met for travel reimbursement. Effective when published in the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR).7/1/2024
CTD for CAP 35-24(S), Redefining Temporary Quarters Subsistence Expenses (TQSE) AllowancesThis item implements a mandatory provision of the Federal Travel Regulation affecting Title 41 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 300-2, 302-6, and 302-17, issued by the General Services administration on May 7, 2024. This item inserts changes to the Temporary Quarters Subsistence Expenses (TQSE) allowances and establishes TQSE Lodgings Plus (LP) as the preferred reimbursement method. Effective July 1, 2024.7/1/2024
UTD-CTD for MAP/CAP 43-24(I), Miscellaneous CorrectionsThis item corrects miscellaneous minor grammatical errors and corrects language regarding house hunting trip (HHT) and temporary quarters subsistence expenses (TQSE) in the JTR. Additionally, this item corrects the definition of “Special Needs” in Appendix A. Effective July 1, 2024.7/1/2024
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 31-24(E), Add Jordan, Joint Training Center, as an Administrative Household Goods (HHG) Weight Allowance LocationThis item adds Jordan, Joint Training Center, as an administrative Household Goods (HHG) Weight Allowance Location. In accordance with the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), paragraph 051402, household goods (HHG) weight allowances can be administratively reduced at a permanent duty station (PDS) outside the continental United States (OCONUS) based on conditions at that location. Effective on June 18, 2024.6/18/2024
UTD for MAP 40-24(I), “Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE) Recertification – Edwards AFB/Palmdale, CA”This item extends the TLE extension recertification dates for the Edwards AFB/Palmdale CA (CA457) Military Housing Area (MHA). The initiating local command documented and certified the continued existence of a housing shortage. Effective June 12, 2024.6/12/2024
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 18-24(E), Zero-Emission Vehicle Rental Vehicle Charging Related ExpensesThis item provides a clarification to JTR Table 2-8 to include the following: (1) A provision under rule 4 that includes when the nearest compatible charging station has no charge points open and available as a reason the rental company’s refueling charges may reimbursed. (2) A rule to clarify a parking fee is reimbursable when the parking fee is a result of entering an airport parking lot or garage that offers free ZEV charging in order to charge the rental ZEV before return.6/1/2024
CTD for CAP 22-24(E), Shipment of Alternative Fueled POV or Circuitous Route to New PDSThis item inserts clarifying language identified in General Service Administration’s (GSA) Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) Case 2022-03, which issued a final ruling to allow agencies greater flexibility for authorizing shipment of an alternative fueled privately-owned vehicle (POV) or authorizing a circuitous route for these types of POVs to a new permanent duty station (PDS). These changes will provide Services with additional factors to help determine whether shipping a traveler’s alternative fueled POV is more cost-effective and advantageous to the Government than authorizing the traveler to drive their POV to the new permanent duty station (PDS).6/1/2024
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