CTD for CAP 17-25(I), Update GSA Waiver Authority for Storage in Transit Extensions | This item updates the Joint Travel Regulations, in accordance with the General Services Administration's waiver authority for storage in transit extensions, January 22, 2025. Effective April 1, 2025. | 4/1/2025 |
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 20-25(I), Update Table 2-10, Rule 3 | This item aligns Joint Travel Regulations, par. 020210 and Table 2-10, “Reimbursement for Privately Owned Automobiles and Motorcycles,” Rule 3 with Table 2-11, “Cost Comparison Rules for Using a POV.” This item clarifies that if a privately owned vehicle is used, the traveler is authorized mileage and related travel expenses (e.g., tolls), limited to the policy constructed cost of the transportation and other related costs associated with the authorized transportation option. Effective April 1, 2025. | 4/1/2025 |
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 19-25(I), Update Table 2-24, Rule 10 | This item removes the text pertaining to the authorization to use a Regular (blue or tourist) Passport when on official travel per passport issuance or approving authority identified in DoDM-O 1000.21. The Regular Passport must not be used for clearing immigration when entering or exiting a foreign country, unless explicitly authorized in the applicable DoD Foreign Clearance Guide country page. Effective April 1, 2025. | 4/1/2025 |
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 23-25(I), Per Diem Rate Update for Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC), Andros Island, Bahamas | The Naval Undersea Warfare Center Detachment Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC), Andros Island, Bahamas requested a per diem rate update. Dining services and lodging are contracted and are available to all civilian and military travelers. Travelers are charged the actual cost of provided services. The Department of the Navy is requesting a maximum daily per diem rate of $111.00 per day, this would encompass the increased lodging rate of $59.00, the increased meal rate of $43.00 and the incidental rate remaining at $9.00. The reason for the update is to cover the increase in total lodging expenses incurred since the last increase in January 2022. Effective April 1, 2025. | 4/1/2025 |
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 22-25(I), Update DoDD 5500.07 and Joint Ethics Regulation References and Weblinks | This item replaces references and weblinks to DoD 5500.07-R (Joint Ethics Regulation) with DoDD 5500.07 and “Joint Ethics Regulation,” effective May 15, 2024. Effective April 1, 2025. | 4/1/2025 |
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 24-25(I), Designation of Ukraine as a Location for R&R Leave Transportation | This item announces the designation of the land area of Ukraine as a chargeable rest and recuperation (R&R) leave duty location. Effective March 21, 2025. | 3/21/2025 |
UTD for MAP 109-24(E), Clarify Occasional Lodging Reimbursement for ADT | This item clarifies that Reserve Component (RC) members performing active-duty training (ADT) when no per diem or AEA is payable, in accordance with Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) paragraph 032302-A, may be authorized reimbursement of lodging costs as occasional lodging in accordance with JTR paragraph 020305-A. The intent is to ensure RC members are reimbursed for the cost of Government quarters or Integrated Lodging Program facilities located on the installation during Annual Training and other applicable ADT periods. Any previous reimbursements made under paragraph 032302-A properly excluded per diem. Effective March 18, 2025. | 3/18/2025 |
CTD for CAP 03-24(R), Authority to Negotiate a Service Agreement | This item allows retired or separated Service members to negotiate a service agreement if appointed to a position at a non-foreign OCONUS duty station. Effective March 12, 2025. | 3/12/2025 |
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 14-25(I), Clarify Constructed Travel for POV Use | This item clarifies that when a traveler uses a privately owned vehicle (POV) instead of the authorized or directed mode of transportation, they are reimbursed the POV mileage rate and related travel expenses, not to exceed the total constructed cost of the
authorized transportation mode. This aligns the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) with the language contained in the Federal Travel Regulation § 301-10.309. Effective March 1, 2025. | 3/1/2025 |
MAP/CAP Memo for Per Diem Updates to Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and Wake Island | Per diem rates for the continental United States and foreign areas outside the continental United States (OCONUS) locations are set
by the General Services Administration and Department of State, respectively. Per diem rates for all non-foreign OCONUS locations (Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories and possessions) are determined by the Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee (PDTATAC).
PDTATAC staff members collected contract price data from Wake Island and Midway Islands as well as lodging data for the other localities based on locations most frequented by DoD travelers.
Staff members then analyzed the collected data and calculated updated rates.
Effective March 1, 2025, per diem rates are updated for localities in Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and Wake Island. There were no updates for American Samoa and Midway Islands. A per diem bulletin will be published in the Federal Register as soon as practicable to notify agencies outside the DoD. | 3/1/2025 |