Joint Travel Regulations Changes

Changes to the JTR are published to DTMO's Policy & Regulations RSS feed.

TitleDescriptionEffective Date
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 01-23(I), Electronic Travel System Use of DD 1610This item clarifies that travel authorizations or orders produced in an electronic travel system do not require the use of a DD Form 1610. A printout of the travel authorization is considered a valid order as long as it contains the required elements from the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR).1/24/2023
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 13-24(I), Clarification of Electronic Travel System Authorization AuthorityThis item clarifies that travel authorizations produced in an electronic travel system are not required to use or reproduce a corresponding DD Form 1610 as long as the system contains all data elements required by FTR, Chapter 301, Appendix C. A printed copy of an electronic travel authorization is considered a valid order if it contains the data elements that would be included in a DD Form 1610.3/6/2024
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 11-23(I) Add Language Clarifying Tip Reimbursement for Ground TransportationThis item clarifies tip reimbursement language in JTR, Table 2-13. If a traveler uses a Transportation Network Company, taxi, or limousine service, then the traveler may include a tip of up to 20% of the fare as part of the total fare amount claimed. The tip may not exceed 20% and it is not separately reimbursable. Fare means the price paid for transportation including all mandatory taxes and fees; it does not include ancillary fees for optional services.3/1/2023
UTD for MAP 69-23(I), Update Table 1-7 approval authority for U.S. ArmyThis item clarifies who may authorize and approve TDYs of 180 days or more for Army Service members in JTR, par. 010206, Table 1-7.7/24/2023
CTD FOR CAP 68-22 (I) OCONUS CIVILIAN TOUR LENGTHS CORRECTION.PDFThis item corrects an error that was made in previous revisions to OCONUS civilian tour length guidance as part of CAP 50-20(E). Effective August 17, 2022.8/17/2022
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 90-23(I), Additional Miscellaneous CorrectionsThis item corrects miscellaneous minor errors in MAP 85-23(S).10/31/2023
UTD-CTD for MAP/CAP 43-24(I), Miscellaneous CorrectionsThis item corrects miscellaneous minor grammatical errors and corrects language regarding house hunting trip (HHT) and temporary quarters subsistence expenses (TQSE) in the JTR. Additionally, this item corrects the definition of “Special Needs” in Appendix A. Effective July 1, 2024.7/1/2024
UTD-CTD for MAP-CAP 21-24(I) MISCELLANEOUS CORRECTIONSThis item corrects miscellaneous minor grammatical errors and updates the Table of Contents in the Joint Travel Regulations.4/1/2024
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 27-24(I) Miscellaneous CorrectionsThis item corrects miscellaneous minor grammatical errors in the Joint Travel Regulations.5/1/2024
UTD-CTD FOR MAP-CAP 46-21(R) ILP EXEMPTION FOR TVL SYS RETAINING GOVT LDG AVAIL DOC.PDFThis item creates an exemption from the Integrated Lodging Program (ILP) requirement to provide a certificate of non-availability number (CNA) for a travel system that retains documentation of Government quarters availability. Instead of requiring a CNA, the system will save documentation of Government quarters availability. The saved documentation will be available to the authorizing official to limit reimbursement if necessary.4/21/2022
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