UTD for MAP 86-23(R),Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE) Extension - AtlanticCity NJ (MHA NJ196) | Under JTR, par. 050601-B3, this item authorizes a TLE extension for the Atlantic City, NJ Military Housing Area (MHA) NJ196 because it has determined that the MHA is experiencing a housing shortage that prevents Service members from obtaining adequate permanent Government-owned, Government-controlled, privatized or private-sector rental housing. The authority for this action is 37 U.S.C. § 452(b)(11). Due to a shortage of housing in the Atlantic City, NJ military housing area, personnel require additional time to locate and secure permanent housing. This item extends the end date through which the Atlantic City, NJ MHA is a location where Service members may receive extended TLE. | 11/30/2023 |
UTD for MAP 99-23(I), Miscellaneous Corrections | This item makes administrative correction to the days identified in Table 5-15 from 10 to 14. | 11/29/2023 |
UTD for MAP 97-23(I) – Reduction of Extended Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE) Allowances When Receiving Basic Allowance for Housing Per Diem | This item clarifies that if the Service member is in receipt of per diem equal to the amount of the basic allowance for housing at the without-dependent rate, in accordance with par. 032201-B3 and Table 3-5, then the lodging portion of TLE is reduced to $0, from days 15 to 60, when the Service member is at a location approved for extended TLE. | 11/28/2023 |
UTD for MAP 98-23(I), Clarifying Active-Duty Service member as Attendant for Medical Specialty Care Travel of More Than 100 Miles | This item clarifies that to receive the standard travel and transportation allowances in Chapter 2, an eligible attendant must be an active-duty Service members and civilian employee. | 11/28/2023 |
UTD for MAP 95-23(I), Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE) Recertification – BATH, ME (ME136) | This item extends the TLE extension recertification dates for the Bath, ME (ME136) Military Housing Areas (MHA). The initiating local command documented and certified the continued existence of a housing shortage. | 11/20/2023 |
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 89-23(I), Miscellaneous Corrections | This item removes Muster Duty information from JTR, par. 030302-C as this is governed by DoD FMR, Vol 7A, Chapter 58. This item also corrects miscellaneous minor errors throughout the JTR. | 10/31/2023 |
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 90-23(I), Additional Miscellaneous Corrections | This item corrects miscellaneous minor errors in MAP 85-23(S). | 10/31/2023 |
UTD for MAP 85-23(S), PCS Allowances when Attending Professional Education Training or Class | The FY23 National Defense Authorization Act, Section 625, directs the Department to authorize per diem in the amount of the basic allowance for housing without-dependent rate when the Service member is traveling to the professional military education or training location, on a PCS order, with orders to return to the duty station where the member maintains a primary residence and the dependent of the member resides. According to the law, implementation is mandatory. This authority was signed into law on December 23, 2022 and the effective date for these payments will be retroactive to December 23, 2022. | 10/31/2023 |
UTD for MAP 91-23(I), Clarification of TLE Recertification and Extension Requirements | This item updates and clarifies documentation requirements for Local Authorization Process for TLE Extensions Due to a Housing Shortage. | 10/31/2023 |
UTD/CTD for MAP/CAP 87-23(I), Evacuation Authority derived from Department of State (DoS) cable | This item clarifies that a Department of State (DoS) cable authorizing or ordering departure of eligible family members under chief of mission from an embassy does authorize the Secretary of Defense to do the same without further consultations. | 10/23/2023 |